Glexim Consulting

We digitize our Government one solution at a time..

Crafting and delivering performant and efficient technology solutions is a science..

With a focus on next generation Information Technology solutions, Glexim Consulting believes our Government can further serve the public through innovative and proven technology solutions. We specialize in enterprise application integrations, system modernization using cloud- and platform-based solutions, business process management and automation, cyber security, and data analytics and visualization.

Enterprise Application Development

Through collaboration with the product owners and the adoption of an iterative methodology, we deliver fine-grained and deployable capabilities and streams that are in tune with the business requirements and strategies.

Enterprise Application Orchestration

Automating and orchestrating key IT and business processes is critical for streamlining operations management. Automation mitigates the risks associated with manual interventions while orchestration allows for a robust integration of disparate systems.

Cloud and Infrastructure

Our cloud transformation offering promotes innovation and streamlines operations. The depth and breadth of our cloud services and our ability to collaborate and engage with partners and customers ensure successful implementations within budget.

Enterprise Workflow

Workflow automation orchestrates multiple business operations and processes and brings forward visibility and transparency to each stage and activity with the process.


In this day and age, delivering high release cadence in an agile-based project is simply not enough. With this high throughput and developer productivity comes security risks. It is critical to inject compliance, governance and security principles into the software delivery cycle.

Data Visualization

A graphical representation of information and data is essential to all members of the organization; regardless of capacity. Leveraging appropriate tools and technologies allows trends, outliers and patterns to surface and equips the teams with the required information to make critical decisions.

AI and Machine Learning

Improving safety and security, increasing you user engagement, modernizing your contact center or providing personalized recommendations are just a few common use cases that could leverage AI services. Utilizing robust pre-trained AI services provide your applications and workflows with the intelligence they require to efficiently serve your customer base and staff.

Enterprise Search

Enterprise content may be spread into different sources, categorized into different types such as structured and unstructured with a variety of security and access control rules. Using Lucidworks' Fusion Server and Fusion AI which are built on the proven Solr engine, we craft solutions that will provide discovery, aggregation and ultimately comprehension of your data.

What Our Customers Say

"Thank you for successfully modernizing our platform with added business capability, security and resilience."
-Program Manager at Government Agency.

Portfolio of most recent Clients

We support multiple federal agencies in their mission-critical assignments. Our engagements in the financial, regulatory and citizen services has allowed us to provide our government with the innovative and reliable technology solutions they require for its missions.